Introduction to the bonding method of crystal glass products

[China Glass Net] Crystal products are crystal clear and beautiful in appearance. The bonding process for crystal glass is very strict, because a little inadvertent glass will be contaminated by glue, so the glue is not suitable for bonding crystal glass. Crystal glass should be bonded with light-curing shadowless glue. Shadowless glue is also known as UV shadowless glue. It must be cured by ultraviolet light to the glue. That is, the photosensitizer in the shadowless glue and the contact with ultraviolet light will bond with the monomer. In theory, there is no theoretical glue. The shadowless glue is almost never cured under the illumination of the ultraviolet light source.

The bonding method is as follows:

1. Soft cloth or paper towel 蘸 acetone alcohol lightly wipe the test, wipe the crystal glass products, the surface of the adherend should not have oil and debris, if there is debris, it should be cleaned up in time.

2. The glue is dripped on the surface of the bonding part, and then pressed to make the glue evenly fill the bonding surface and eliminate the air bubbles.

3, under sunlight or mercury lamp 10cm irradiation, 5-10 seconds curing positioning, light curing shadowless glue complete curing time with the size of the UV lamp power and the distance between the UV lamp irradiation surface. Under the illumination of a light-curing shadowless lamp with a wavelength of 200-400 nm, the photocurable adhesive can be fully cured after a few minutes.

4. Note: The adhesive layer should not be too thick. The adhesive layer should be even and thin and too thick.

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