Tianzi Fang underwear franchise successful tricks

Some underwear to join shop in the process of renovation, according to their preferences will always be furnished and finally lead to disunity and image of the head office, giving a feeling of neither fish nor fowl will affect sales. Therefore, underwear affiliates must maintain a unified image with the headquarters, especially the first door, display units, checkout, display stand to be consistent with the style of the headquarters. After all, the head office's brand image has left an impression in the minds of consumers. If you maverick, opening up another decoration style, and re-winning consumer recognition, it is necessary to pay a certain price. Tianzifang below underwear with you to explore the underwear franchise successful tricks. 1, the store's products to be complete Each underwear design, production has its own consumer groups and their respective markets, underwear franchisees can not be based on personal preferences. Therefore, the franchisee in the process of stocking, try to make the product style complete, so that consumers have the opportunity to choose. And a variety of products will always have a consumer favorite. 2, a reasonable business plan Underwear franchisee shop in the beginning should have a plan, goal, so that the business process will not blind. Like some underwear franchisees, just blindly want to sell the product, promotional price cuts, etc., do not know always lower prices will reduce the grade of the product, affecting the brand image and consumer confidence, and even affect sales. Therefore, underwear franchisees in addition to operating the product, but also need to operate the brand, maintain the brand's position, practice the brand concept, these actions need a plan to guide in order to progress steadily. 3, Purchasing Guide training essential Purchasing Guide buyers need to directly face the consumer, to introduce products to consumers, therefore, Purchasing Guide ability will directly affect the franchise sales performance. Underwear franchisees to the Purchasing Guide for training, in general, to include underwear knowledge, sales skills, behavior and other gestures. Training capable Purchasing Guide to enhance store sales. 4, often keep in touch with the old customers Old customers are a wealth of underwear franchisees, they can directly drive your sales. Therefore, underwear franchise stores should pay attention to the accumulation of customer information, pay attention to maintaining the old customers. For example, if the customer wishes, you can leave her name, phone number and address for future communication, or timely notification of new arrivals.